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(Options below assume class size of 30 pupils)



Option 1 (based at your site)


Half-day session: morning – half the class £ 120.00

afternoon – half the class £ 100.00


Full day session (morning & afternoon – whole class in 2 groups

or half the class all day) £ 220.00


Based on: 15 participative children, 2 x adults from the school, 1 x WTWA Leader


Full day session (full class all day) £ 380.00


Based on: 30 participative children, 4 x adults from the school, 2 x WTWA Leaders


  1. School / woodland site located within 15 miles from Bearsted, Maidstone


Schools further away will of course be considered with additional mileage charged at 0.45p per mile.


Children with behavioural difficulties etc subject to further discussion about numbers and possible fee review according to presenting behaviours.




Option 2 (based at our 10 acre dedicated site with small lake, near Bearsted)


Half-day session: morning – half the class £ 120.00

afternoon – half the class £ 100.00


Full day session (half the class all day) £ 220.00


Based on: 15 participative children, 2 x adults from the school, 1 x WTWA Leader


Full day session (full class all day) £ 380.00


Based on: 30 participative children, 4 x adults from the school, 2 x WTWA Leaders


Transport to be arranged by the school.


Children with behavioural difficulties etc subject to further discussion about numbers and possible fee review according to presenting behaviours.




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