Holiday Clubs
A Wild Times Woodland Adventures holiday club is just what it says on the, err, website:
10 acres of wonderful, wild, woody outdoor space in which to discover, play, enjoy and be.
Children will find out…
how to build a shelter out of whatever is in the woods;
how to light a fire without matches like our ancestors did;
how to use a knife safely to make things;
what lives in our pond;
what they can make with the clay out of the pond;
how to cook over an open fire;
how to camouflage themselves so they can’t be found;
how to sneak up on the person who's trying not to be found;
how to make a bow and arrow;
how to make tools and things from wood;
how to cope without an xbox/playstation! Yes it's possible!!!
how to make up ideas of their own.
WARNING: your child will come home smelly from woodsmoke and dirty, probably armed for a zombie apocalypse and most of all - happy and tired!
Run during holidays and half term breaks.
Easter holidays
May half-term
Summer holidays
October half-term
9.30 am - 3.30 pm Monday - Friday (or as listed)
(Single or multiple days are available).
Who for?
Aimed at children aged 8 - 11/12
How much?
£35 single day. Additional days / siblings @ £30 per day
Drinks &, marshmallows provided, bring packed lunch.