By booking with us you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
A booking form will be sent out on receipt of an enquiry.
Forest School - schools will be invoiced at the beginning of every term.
Parties - you will be invoiced on receipt of the booking form, a deposit of £100 is required to secure the date, the balance due on the day of the party.
Holiday Clubs - you will be invoiced on receipt of the booking form, payment in full is required to secure a place on the day(s) requested. That place will remain open until payment is received.
Family Activities - you will be invoiced on receipt of the booking form, full payment is required to secure a place.
Corporate Events - you will be invoiced on receipt of the booking form, a deposit of 50% is required to secure the place, the balance due on the day of the event.
Our handling of all information provided to us during booking will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. We will not sell or disclose your personal details to any other agencies. We will not contact you other than about other Wild Times Woodland Adventures CIC activities.
We do not share customer details with any 3rd parties. Contact details will be saved in order to advise of any future events.
No adults may acompany children on our holiday courses without prior arrangement with us. We require a current DBS check before allowing adults to accompany holiday club groups, and this is at our discretion. This does not apply to birthday parties where adults are welcomed to enjoy the family fun. Family events are, of course, for families!
Please ensure that your child is well enough to come to our activities. In particular if your child has a fever or has suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea within 48 hours then please tell us and remove your child from the day. In these circumstances we will offer you another date in lieu. If your child becomes ill with any of these symptoms during a session we’ll contact you and we’ll expect you to make arrangments to take them home.
We do not offer refunds in the case of illness although an alternative day may be offered at our discretion.
The Scandinavians have it right: “No such thing as bad weather,” they say, “only the wrong clothes.”
Children turning up with the wrong clothing is the biggest problem we have. Having the right clothes and shoes can make the difference between your child having a great time and being miserable. It’s up to you to make sure they come properly equipped, so please follow these guidelines:
You need to provide your child with appropriate foot and outer-wear – stout shoes or boots are essential (no flip-flops, sandals etc.), plus warm clothes and a waterproof outer layer (top and bottom). Long sleeves and long trousers (no shorts whatever the weather - brambles and nettles take no prisoners!). Please remember that the temperature in the woods in the middle of the countryside is always 5 - 10 degrees cooler than on your drive at home. If a child is too hot they can shed a layer but if they are too cold or wet they cannot add what they haven't got! All clothing should obviously be clearly marked with your child’s name.
Please note that Wild Times Woodland Adventures CIC accept no liability for dirty, torn or lost clothing.
For their own protection, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any child who is improperly dressed.
Sorry, no refund if you send them in inappropriate clothes.
We do try to repatriate lost property at the end of every session. However, it is your (and your child’s) responsibility to ensure that they leave with everything they turned up with. If you do find that something has been left behind then please let us know by calling / texting 0790 4070 333 and we will do our best to find it and arrange for you to pick it up. Needless to say, it’s a lot easier for us to identify and return lost property if you have written your child’s name in it.
Parties - we provide the facilities (open fire & cooking utensils) for your party burgers etc however do not do the cooking ourselves, that will have to be done by one of the adults in the group, as we will be focussed on the children. You will also have to provide the food. We will provide water, squash, tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
Holiday Clubs - you need to feed them! We expect you to provide your child with food for the day, which should include:
a mid-morning snack
a mid-afternoon snack
Please bear in mind that your children will be outside all day, and active for a good part of that day, and pack their lunchboxes accordingly. They will probably eat twice as much as normal. Being hungry in the woods is even less fun than being cold. We provide drink as above. If you want to send your child along with a drink too then that’s fine, but no energy, fizzy or ultra-sugary drinks please as behaviours can be adversely affected by these and we reserve the right to send a child home if s/he is off the wall because of them - no refund either.
Again, please note that we reserve the right to refuse entry to any child who arrives without adequate food for the day. Sorry, no money back in this case either.
Family Events - as 'Holiday Clubs' above although: 'fizzy etc drinks' & 'adequate food' - your child is your responsibility and there are not any shops nearby.
Activities which advertise “children must be accompanied by an adult” means a responsible person over 18 years old. Any person attending our activities/events must adhere to our health and safety guidelines and follow the instructions of the activity/event leader. Such adults must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Adults must be responsible for the behaviour of themselves and the children they are accompanying. They will be asked to leave if their behaviour is affecting the safety or enjoyment of the activity/event for other people attending.
We encourage positive behaviour. In the (very unlikely) event that your child behaves in some way that even we cannot deal with, we’ll ask you to remove them from the activity. We can’t imagine it happening, but just in case. If it does happen, you’ll be charged for any additional costs incurred by us, for example extra supervision or transport and you won’t be offered a refund. We also reserve the right to withdraw your child from any future bookings without refund.
The car breaks down, there’s a jam on the A20 - sometimes people are late, that’s just life, and that’s OK. But please tell us if you will be late in picking up your child, that is more than, say, a quarter of an hour. If you are more than 15 minutes late in collecting your child, without having agreed this with us previously, we will call the emergency contact details you have provided to find out the cause for the delay, and how long it is likely to last. We’ll do our best to contact you and always leave a message if we can.
Please note that if you are more than 15 minutes late to pick up you will be charged an additional £5 for every half hour, or part thereof.
While waiting to be collected, we’ll look afer your child and give them as much support and reassurance as necessary. Try to keep us informed though – it’s scary for them (and us) if you don’t turn up when we think you should.
The Session leader holds a current outdoor first aid certificate, specialising in Wilderness First Aid with a paediatric bias. However,it is up to you to ensure that we have your child’s current medical information at the beginning of the session. Any information that you give us will be treated in strict confidence, and will not prejudice the inclusion of your child in any activity. It is in the interests of your child that you give us full and accurate information. You are also responsible for telling us of any behavioural issues your child may have (for example whether they have a Statement of Educational Needs, ADHD or have been diagnosed with behaviour on the autistic spectrum).
If your child requires medication (for example, an asthma inhaler or an epipen) then it is your responsibilty to ensure they have their medication with them when they arrive and that we are aware of it. All medication should have your child's name and required dosage clearly marked. In the case of epipens we will expect you to provide two epipens. We will refuse to accept children requiring medication who do not have their medicine with them. You will not get a refund in these circumstances.
Please apply any sun protection cream and insect repellent before the session starts - we can't.
With your permission, photographs and video footage may be taken of the children during activities, for use solely by Wild Times for promotional purposes, i.e. use on websites/leaflets/press releases etc.
When images are used for promotional purposes, only the image will be used, and no personal information will be issued.
We do not allow children to take photographs on site. Please do not send your child with a camera or a camera phone. If you do wish your child to have a phone with them for security purposes, please let us know and make sure your child understands that they must not take photographs while on site.
For a copy of our policies and procedures please email us.
If we cancel an event we’ll book your child onto another day of your choice in lieu. This will only happen in the event of extreme weather conditions, (see 'WEATHER'), lack of take up, or other events beyond our control.
If you cancel your booking more than 14 days before you’re due to come to us then we’ll either refund your money or offer you a day in lieu. If you cancel because of illness then see 'ILLNESS' above. In the event that a decision is made to cancel an activity all participants and parents/guardians will be informed at the earliest opportunity.
If you have not paid 72 hours before the day your child is due to attend we reserve the right to cancel your place.
Schools - any cancellation of an agreed day / session by the school will result in a mutually agreed date being offered in lieu. There will not be a refund offered. The same terms apply to cancellation due to extreme weather conditions (e.g. snow leading to school closure or strong wind - see below).
Courses will not run if the Met office weather forecast shows a predicted wind speed (gust or continual speed) of 35 mph or above for any part of the session, or snow making public roads impassable. In these circumstances we will make a decision to cancel by 4pm on the previous day at the latest. If we cancel because of adverse weather you will be offered a day in lieu, refunds will only be at our discretion.
Our office address is:
Wild Times Woodland Adventures CIC
10 Mallings Drive
ME14 4HB
Mobile: 0790 4070 333